We have a contract – CTO Maputo (Mozambique)

‘We have a contract’ provides a penetrating insight into corruption in Mozambique. It addresses a specific case of a multinational company (working with the exploitation of mineral resources) that manages to influence the government to create special conditions that favor this company and harm the Mozambique population. This play provides dialogue on this burning issues.

The GRMR – Getaway Research Mineral Resources – is a multinational company that invests in Chiedza in the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources. It enforces corruption, by enticing the Government’s members and influence the creation of new corrupt legislation. As result, they can export their profits to offshores. This is a clear abuse and exploitation of the country’s resources. They also expelled populations from their land and trick the tax authorities with accounting tricks and abusive interpretation of ambiguous laws.

When the population notice, they start protests against the government. They demand the removal of excessive financial incentives and the promotion of a fair taxation for Multinationals. However, the government sends the police force to oppress the demonstrators.

Date, time and cost

Monday 14th December 2015
Time: 20.00 uur
Tickets: € 10,00


St. Jobsweg 3
3024 EH Rotterdam


Available via Maaspodium

CTO Maputo is in the Netherlands at the invitation of Formaat for the Theatre of the Oppressed Festival in Rotterdam from 13th to 18th of December. During this festival there are several workshops and interactive performances with groups from India, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Israel and Palestine.
If you join the Festival with a (day) pas, a ticket for the performance is included. Please take a look in our program to get more detailed information!